Founded in 1889, the Minnesota chapter of Beta Theta Pi continues to have one of the strongest legacies amongst all campus fraternities at the University of Minnesota.
Since its founding in 1889, more than 1,800 men have joined the Minnesota chapter of Beta Theta Pi.
Today, Beta alumni of all ages are re-engaging with the chapter in record numbers. the Beta Theta Pi Society of Minnesota is an organization that encompasses three groups supporting the active chapter of undergraduate members
- The Housing Corporation is primarily responsible for working with the chapter to maintain the physical upkeep of the chapter house.
- The Advisory Team works directly with undergraduate chapter members (especially chapter officers) to provide guidance and advice when necessary or asked for by undergraduate members.
- The Alumni Relations Committee (ARC) was created with the intent of finding ways to connect and engage Beta alumni in the area with each other and the undergraduate chapter.

The undergraduate chapter and the Beta Theta Pi Society of Minnesota is thriving and strengthening its future at the University of Minnesota. In addition to continuing the chapter’s outstanding performance (refer to Chapter page), Beta Pi is in the middle of a capital campaign aimed at renovating and modernizing the beloved and historical chapter house.
The Beta Pi Chapter of Beta Theta Pi and University of Minnesota share a storied tradition dating back to 1889. From our founding to the present, our proud history speaks for itself through high academic achievement and leadership within the University. With more than 1,800 initiates, the Beta Pi Chapter has influenced the lives of numerous men, cultivating lasting friendships in the process. Many of our best college memories can be attributed to our Beta experience.

While many of our alumni have gone on to successful and distinguished careers in business, engineering, technology, and countless other endeavors, the common bond of our brotherhood remains, along with our shared principles and values. Most of us can trace the roots of our success to one place: 1625 University Avenue.
Through Beta Theta Pi we not only learned the importance of friendship, knowledge, service, morality, and excellence, but we acquired valuable assets, which include leadership skills, organizational skills, social skills, teamwork, and character. Oftentimes, these traits have been integral to our personal success and helped make us the men we are today.
Our chapter house at 1625 University Avenue is clearly the focus of undergraduate life for Beta Theta Pi. It has been a home away from home for hundreds of young men and a classroom where our brothers have learned personal accountability, intellectual growth, responsible leadership, and commitment to community. However, if we wish for Beta Theta Pi to continue its strong presence on the University of Minnesota campus, we must ensure that we are providing a safe, modern, and competitive facility. Now is the appropriate time to secure our future.
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Annual Campaign
Support our annual campaign, which funds alumni publications and communication, chapter house maintenance and alumni events.
Checks: Please make checks out to Beta Theta Pi Society of Minnesota and mail to Dinkytown Station-P.O. Box 13225, Minneapolis, MN 55414-5225
Online Giving: Visit our secure online giving form here.